We have two Sunday morning opportunities to experience God in community:
1) Join us onsite
@ the PMC Worship Center
Sundays at 9:30am
2) Join us online
Sundays, 11:00am
Two Questions:
Why are we here?
In one sentence: to be the vehicle of God’s mission of extending his blessings to our community and beyond. 
Why do we gather? 
As we experience God’s redemptive love in our life, we respond with grateful rejoicing, even if we had a pretty lousy week. We believe God redeemed us out of several dimensions of brokenness, but also into a covenant relationship with Himself. And, hands down, that is worth celebrating. We totally want everyone to seek out and worship God throughout the week–not just on Sundays. And what we do on a Sunday we want to feel more like a “family reunion,” not a “service.”
We understand that visiting a church can be a little uncomfortable. We understand that everybody has different assumptions and expectations for “church.” So here’s a little breakdown on what you’ll see at Plymouth Meeting Church.
In-Person Sunday worship gathering: Our on-campus gatherings start at 9:30am.

Service length: 60-75 minutes

Dress: Come as you are. Seriously, dress up or dress down…you can be yourself here.

What we do at Sunday Gatherings: We gather together in a large group setting. A volunteer called a “lay leader” (aka a host) will typically start the gathering with a greeting and provide some announcements about what’s going on in the life of the church. Because we love to sing and singing is a great medium to be reminded of how much God loves us–and a way to express ourselves back to God–we’ll sing some songs. It’s okay if you don’t know the songs. Every song is a new song to someone, so let’s learn them together! We also pray and a sermon is preached. The sermon is shaped by the Bible and will be explained and applications and/or implications will be given. The sermon is a teaching method that, God-willing, speaks to your heart. We usually close with a song of encouragement and a final blessing that’s called a benediction. After the gathering, you’re welcome to eat some snacks and hang out with us in what we call “fellowship time.”

Worship music style: Blended. We draw from what inspires us–we incorporate Scripture, hymns, and worship tunes old and new.

Preaching style: Pastor Cam typically brings biblical messages in the form of verse-by-verse preaching, but will also mix in narrative/topical messages and other dynamic elements as well.

Bible translation: Pastor Cam typically preaches from the Christian Standard Bible, but he’ll use NIV, ESV, and others as well.

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