We have two Sunday morning opportunities to experience God in community:
Service length: 60-75 minutes
Dress: Come as you are. Seriously, dress up or dress down…you can be yourself here.
What we do at Sunday Gatherings: We gather together in a large group setting. A volunteer called a “lay leader” (aka a host) will typically start the gathering with a greeting and provide some announcements about what’s going on in the life of the church. Because we love to sing and singing is a great medium to be reminded of how much God loves us–and a way to express ourselves back to God–we’ll sing some songs. It’s okay if you don’t know the songs. Every song is a new song to someone, so let’s learn them together! We also pray and a sermon is preached. The sermon is shaped by the Bible and will be explained and applications and/or implications will be given. The sermon is a teaching method that, God-willing, speaks to your heart. We usually close with a song of encouragement and a final blessing that’s called a benediction. After the gathering, you’re welcome to eat some snacks and hang out with us in what we call “fellowship time.”
Worship music style: Blended. We draw from what inspires us–we incorporate Scripture, hymns, and worship tunes old and new.
Preaching style: Pastor Cam typically brings biblical messages in the form of verse-by-verse preaching, but will also mix in narrative/topical messages and other dynamic elements as well.
Bible translation: Pastor Cam typically preaches from the Christian Standard Bible, but he’ll use NIV, ESV, and others as well.